a selection of LIVE PAINTING PERFORMANCES (2013) >>

David Diavù Vecchiato, Performance "OFFICIN4 - QU4TTR0 Preview" @ Affordable Art Fair 07/03/2013, Milano (Italy). With Alberto Corradi, Massimo Giacon, Ale Giorgini.

Info about QU4TTR0 project/show: HERE - or : info@diavu.com


David Diavù Vecchiato, Performance "OFFICIN4 - QU4TTR0 Preview" @ Affordable Art Fair 07/03/2013, Milano (Italy). Con Alberto Corradi, Massimo Giacon, Ale Giorgini.

Info sul progetto/mostra QU4TTR0: HERE - o: info@diavu.com

<< QU4TTR0 Preview" Performance >> PROPAGANDA >> click to watch or enlarge
Collater.al, 20 03 2013 (read the articleand watch the video HERE)


<< QU4TTR0 Preview" Performance >> PICTURES >>
Massimo Giacon

Ale Giorgini

Alberto Corradi


All site content is copyright protected. ©David Diavù Vecchiato --- www.davidvecchiato.com